What is Microsoft SQL Server?

Microsoft SQL Server is a relational database, in other words, we can say that it is a database management system. Moreover, it is one of the most popular databases worldwide.

Microsoft SQL Server databases can be managed using its own native command line or through a graphical interface, where you can define values, create tables and relationships, etc.

Microsoft SQL Server currently supports both Windows and Linux operating systems. In addition, it has support for Docker.

What can be done with Microsoft SQL Server?

This database has a wide variety of tools for the management and analysis of this data, as well as business intelligence supported by machine learning, which can provide us with valuable information about our own business and customers.

Microsoft SQL Server allows, among others:

  • Saving data from web applications
  • Save data from Web and Desktop Software
  • Save data from desktop applications created with the C++ language
  • Save data from desktop applications created with the C# language
  • Saving data from desktop applications created with the C Language
  • Saving data from applications created using ASP.NET
  • Saving data from online shops

In addition to storing data, we can easily integrate it with other applications, leveraging a variety of services to promote and leverage artificial intelligence in both cloud and on-premise environments.

SQL Server generally offers high availability to enable faster switching processes for the users who use it. It has seamless integration with Microsoft Server and has great flexibility and ease of use that can be increased through its in-memory capabilities.

Because it is based on open source, it is very easy to access and professional programmers often work with Microsoft SQL Server in web development. In fact, it has a large community that offers support to other users.

Using Microsoft SQL Server for developers

Mainly, SQL Server works with relational databases; that is, it uses multiple interconnected tables to store and organise the information correctly.

  • We can consult the data we have, without having to replicate them, thanks to the intelligence in all its data with Big Data clusters.
  • We have the possibility to choose the language and platform.
  • Intelligent database capabilities: in-memory, persistent memory support.
  • It has a data protection, classification and supervision system that has led Microsoft SQL Server to be, in addition to being one of the most widely used, one of the most secure database platforms.
  • It allows database management systems to be integrated with any Azure devices and services to achieve greater performance and analysis capacity.

Microsoft SQL Server for Business

What do companies use SQL Server for?

The use of SQL Server in companies can have a multitude of applications, among which we highlight:

  1. Database. This use is the most obvious; data management with a high level of data security.
  2. Sharing files between computers on the same network.
  3. Higher data processing speed. In this way, we can execute large operations easily and in a short time.

In summary, we can highlight the following four strong points of this database, which make it an excellent option to incorporate in companies:

  • Optimised data storage. It allows agile, efficient and simple data administration with quick problem resolution and minimum maintenance.
  • Ease of configuration. Automatic updates, easy installation and configuration.
  • High data security. Features a table structure that connects functions and data elements, which helps protect customer information.
  • Data recovery support. Data recovery and restore functions that prevent data loss.

Microsoft SQL Server versions

Although Microsoft SQL Server 2022 has already been announced, the most recent version is currently Microsoft SQL Server 2019, which has 4 different editions depending on our needs:

Express: This is the free version and is ideal as a way of learning, to compile small server and desktop applications intended for use by these.

Developer: Trial version is indicated for developers, not being available for a production environment.

Enterprise: This is the most complete version, intended for organisations that need to work with high levels of service for critical workloads. Only available in core licensing format, so you do not need separate CAL licenses.

Standard: Ideal for small businesses, it is a tool that provides basic data management for running their applications, supporting common development tools for on-premise or cloud environments. It is available both for purchasing core licences and for purchasing the “SQL + CAL” format. The latter is usually the most recommended for companies that do not need many users/devices.

Buy cheap Microsoft SQL Server

As we have seen, SQL Server is a really useful, practical and widely used tool in companies. The best way to save on costs when buying SQL Server licenses is to buy them second hand.

The pre-owned Microsoft SQL Server licenses we sell at CHEAPFY are up to 70% cheaper and completely legal. We always ship them with full documentation and traceability. We strictly adhere to the Exhaustion Principle and the EU Software Directive 2009/24 ratified in the European Court Judgment in 2012 (Judgment of the European Court of Justice (Case C-128/11 – July 3, 2012) (More information).

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